Product search results for merchant:Tooled Up: (showing 6805 to 6822 of 8755)
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Trend B/Guided Ovolo 9.5mm Rad (Tct Router Cutter Range / Ovolo)
Cutter supplied with two bearings. Larger bearing removes the quirk producing a round over profile.Dimensions:Diameter: 32mmCutting Length: 16mmBearing Diameter: 9.5mm & 12.7mmCutting Radius: 9.5mmShank Diameter: 1/2 i...
Trend B/Guided Panel/Bevel A=15¡ (Tct Router Cutter Range /...
This cutter & Ref. PSC/5X1/2TC are available as set Ref. PDS/5X1/2TC. For stationary machines or portable routers mounted in a table at 12000 RPM recommended speed.Dimensions:Diameter: 86mmCutting Length: 12.7mmBearing Diamete...
Trend B/Guided Panel/Radius 40mm Rad (Tct Router Cutter Range...
This cutter & Ref. PSC/40X1/2TC are available as a set Ref. PDS/4.X1/2TC For stationary machines or portable routers mounted in a table at 12000 RPM recommended speed.Dimensions:Diameter: 86mmCutting Length: 12.7mmBearing Diam...
Trend B/Guided Quirk 4.8mm Rad (Tct Router Cutter Range / Ogee)
Self-guiding cutter with facility to change profile by fitting large bearing & varying the depth. Supplied with two bearings.Dimensions:Diameter: 34.9mmCutting Length: 13.5mmBearing Diameter: 9.5mm & 12.7mmCutting Radius: ...
Trend B/Guided Quirk 6.3mm Rad (Tct Router Cutter Range / Ogee)
Self-guiding cutter with facility to change profile by fitting large bearing & varying the depth. Supplied with two bearings.Dimensions:Diameter: 41.3mmCutting Length: 17.5mmBearing Diameter: 9.5mm & 12.7mmCutting Radius: ...
Trend B/Guided Quirk 9.5mm Rad (Tct Router Cutter Range / Ogee)
Self-guiding cutter with facility to change profile by fitting large bearing & varying the depth. Supplied with two bearings.For stationary machines - 18000RPM recommended speed.Dimensions:Diameter: 57mmCutting Length: 25.5mm
Trend B/Guided Rebater 31.8mm Dia x 15.9M (Tct Router Cutter...
This cutter is self-guiding & can be used to produce rebates, lap joints, tongues & rebated corners.Dimensions:Diameter=31.8 mmCutting Length: 15.9 mmBearing Diameter: 9.5 & 12.7 mmShank Diameter: 1/4 inchPlease note t...
Trend B/Guided Reed Edge 2mm Rad1 (Tct Router Cutter Range /...
Edge moulding only.Dimensions:Diameter: 22mmCutting Length: 25mmBearing Diameter: 17mmCutting Radius 1: 2mmCutting Radius 2: 6mmShank Diameter: 1/4 inchPlease note that prices in the Trend Catalogue download, i...
Trend B/Guided Reed Edge 3mm Rad1 (Tct Router Cutter Range /...
Edge moulding only.Supplied with one bearing.Dimensions:Diameter=25 mmCutting Length: 25 mmBearing Diameter: 19 mmCutting Radius 1: 3 mmCutting Radius 2: 5 mmShank Diameter: 1/2 inchPlease note that prices ...
Trend B/Guided R/Over Ovolo 16mm Rad (Tct Router Cutter Range...
Cutter supplied with two bearings. Larger bearing removes the quirk producing a round over profile.Dimensions:Diameter=44.7 mmBearing Diameter: 9.5 & mmCutting Radius 1: 16 mmShank Diameter: 1/2Please note that pri...
Trend B/Guided ROver Queen Anne R42mm (Tct Router Cutter Range...
Trend B/Guided R´Over Queen Anne R42mm (Tct Router Cutter Range / Ovolo)Bearing guided rounding over cutter. Two passes can be made to make a shallow nosing on table tops.Dimensions:Diameter: 23.7 mmCutting Length: 3/4 inch
Trend B/Guided Sunk Bead 10mm Rad (Tct Router Cutter Range /...
Complete with guide bearing to reduce setting time for curved workpieces.Dimensions:Diameter: 32.7mmBearing Diameter: 12.7mmCutting Radius: 10mmShank Diameter: 1/2 inchPlease note that prices in the Trend Catalogue dow...
Trend B/Guided Sunk Bead12mm Rad (Tct Router Cutter Range / Sunk...
This guided concave bead is quick to set up & can be used for curved work. No side fence required.Dimensions:Diameter: 22mmCutting Length: 16mmBearing Diameter: 16mmCutting Radius: 12mmShank Diameter: 1/4 inchPleas...
Trend B/Guided Sunk Bead 3mm Rad (Tct Router Cutter Range / Sunk...
Ideal for curved edging work,with an attractive twin reed effect.Dimensions:Cutting Length: 16mmBearing Diameter: 16mmCutting Radius: 3mmShank Diameter: 1/4 inchPlease note that prices in the Trend Catalogue download, ...
Trend B/Guided Sunk Bead 4mm Rad (Tct Router Cutter Range / Sunk...
Complete with guide bearing to reduce setting time for curved workpieces.Dimensions:Diameter: 20.7mmBearing Diameter: 12.7mmCutting Radius: 4mmShank Diameter: 1/4 inchPlease note that prices in the Trend Catalogue down...
Trend B/Guided Sunk Bead 6mm Rad (Tct Router Cutter Range / Sunk...
Complete with guide bearing to reduce setting time for curved workpieces.Ideal for curved edging work, with an attractive twin reed effect.Dimensions:Diameter: 24.7mmBearing Diameter: 12.7mmCutting Radius: 6mmShank Diamete...
Trend B/Guided Thumb Mould Rad 44mm (Tct Router Cutter Range...
A quarter ellipse cutter for architraves and mould finishes.For stationary machines - 12000 RPM recommended speed.Dimensions:Diameter=69.2 mmCutting Radius 1: 44 mmShank Diameter: 1/2 inchPlease note that prices in the...
Trend B/Guided Trimmer 12.7mm Dia x 38mm (Tct Router Cutter Range...
Cutter for trimming and bevelling timber, lippings and plastic laminate edges or any shaping applications. Self-guiding trimmer with bearings mounted on end of cutter.For trimming plastic or plywood overlay.For copy profiling, use the bea...